The Haunting of Hamilton House


Psychic News – This is a UK-based spiritualist publication, but Hamilton’s work appears occasionally and he is designated by them as “Canada’s best-known psychic researcher.”

Hamilton Family fonds – This digitized archive contains a large number of photos and notes from sessions. This is the best source for first-hand experiences at Hamilton House, and a ton of amazing photographs.

Unnatural History: True Manitoba Mysteries by Chris Rutkowski – This book was published in the 90s and is a little problematic in some chapters, but it’s a fun read if you’re looking for a less skeptical accounting of Hamilton House and other supernatural Manitoba stories.

Trance Speakers: Femininity and Authorship in Spiritual Seances, 1850-1930 by Claudie Massicotte – This is an academic take on the spiritualist trend. If you want to learn more broadly about the role of women in turn-of-the-century ghost hunting, this is a great choice.

Heritage Winnipeg Blog – Psychic Experiments at Hamilton House

Manitoba Historical Society – Psychic Research in a Winnipeg Family


In the 20s and 30s, Dr. Thomas Glendenning Hamilton made his Elmwood home into a centre for so-called “psychic research,” i.e. the search for the supernatural. In this week’s episode, Alex talks about what seances looked like at Hamilton House, the spirits who spoke to Dr. Hamilton, and how turn-of-the-century “psychic” fraudsters fooled ghost hunters.


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